Verwandte Produkte zum Thema Labrador

1. Februar 2012

Exercise Tips for Golden retriever

Planning a healthy and happy lifestyle for your Golden retriever? Work out with these top exercise tips to keep your dog alert and healthy at all times.
Proper and effective care is required to maintain the general well being of the dog. Catering to the needs of healthy diet and proper rest and training keeps the dogs happy and active. The most common characteristics of golden retriever are the energy, enthusiasm and activeness it possessed. Most importantly golden retrievers are highly intelligent that give a lot of care, kindness and love to its owners. Knowing its ever playful personality, golden retriever required lots of exercise to maintain its health, fitness and happiness. Confining them space or limiting them exercise will be demoralizing treatment.
Golden retriever are known for their intelligence, put them through regular exercise to keep them active, with progressive learning and the ability to adapt to the environments. Follow these simple tips to guide you through an effective training for your golden retriever.
Tip#1 Start young
Exercise gives plenty of benefits. Most importantly, the beginning stage is critical to the development of golden. Expose the puppy to early training and exercise. The early type of training should not be overwhelming that cause serious strain on the puppy. You will be asking what type and how much training is sufficient to put through the puppy. For a start, the puppy should be introduced to an activity that allows them to respond spontaneously. Simple task should allow them to have a focus on you and doing the things that is to follow. Exercise also provides a better behaved dog that allows them to concentrate and direct its energy at the correct behaviors and performing for its tasks.
Tip #2 Regular Exercise
Plan a routine that caters a regular regime of exercise. Dog walking is another form of important routine. This approach comes hand in hand with regards to a training that exercised your Golden on a daily basis. For a start, a reasonable walk around the estate for 20 minutes can build on strong foundation. As times passes, the intensity of training should progress with more impact. This is to ensure the dogs are kept at great health. Walking the dog is not just an occasion to keep the dog happy but more of a cultivated process to keep the dog at the best of health. The progress of the dog should be monitored and slowly other activities such as running or even cycling can be integrated into the same training regime. Your golden is more than a walking partner, but definitely a training companion on running or cycling that go the extra distance together with its owner.
Tip#3 Consistency
Consistent exercise is the key to successful dog training. Spare a minimum quality hour on training exercise for the basic commands. Specialized training takes time and required more patience from the owners. As your golden grow from weeks to months, tailored your tasks or tricks to suit his development. Golden retriever can be good show dogs, but also depending on their maturity, they sometimes can be a little unfocused on the tasks. Each dog's limitations can varied while not all can adapt and excel at some of the thorough exercise training. Rely on positive reinforcement and patience to guide them through the exercise. The thing is to allow fun during exercise while giving them the time and room to roam around.
Take great care for your golden's health needs. Great health begins with proper diet, great exercise regimen and abundance rest. If you are attentive to your pet's physical and emotional well-being, you will reap the benefit of a successful bonding relationship with your golden retriever.


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